Sunday, February 10, 2008

Celebreality Star Of The Week

Aubry's hair!

I could probably go as far as to say her outfit as a whole, but her hair really just tops everything off. She looks absolutely ridiculous. She eliminated herself for her new BFF Kristy Joe – only for everyone else to find out that she was the one being eliminated anyway. If Kristy Joe was that great of a friend she wouldn't have let Aubry walk out in public rockin' that dew, nevertheless on a nationally broadcasted television show. Oh well. See ya Aubry, don't let the door hit your hair on the way out.

Picture snagged from Vh1.


Christine M said...

I saw her on The Soup last night! She was ridiculous. It was pretty funny at the end when she said that if she and Brett were meant to be they'd get their chance since they live in the same city.

And her hair really was awful.

Patrick Norris said...

I haven't owned a television for two years now, and half the time have no idea what your posts are about.
But they are funny, and highlight a ridiculous world much like the one shown in this picture.