Thursday, April 24, 2008

That's A Wrap!

The main purpose of this blog was to fulfill a requirement in a class at FGCU. As the class has come to an end, so will my writing in this blog. I enjoyed posting and will go out on a limb to say that even though our class were the ginnie pigs of the blogging class experiment, I can't imagine the class going any better. Through the course I've learned much about myself and others. I'd like to thank those who read my blog and those who gave me advice to make my writing better. I listened carefully and took everything to heart in hopes that the advice would make me a better blogger, and even a better writer.

If you seam to be having Monica withdrawals, you can find me on myspace.

Thanks again everyone,
Monica DiDonato
14 Episodes Of Fame.

1 comment:

Tcburszt said...

Todd Bursztyn says: Revisiting the old Styles and Ways....seeing what my old classmates were up to. Just nostalgic, I guess. Nice blog.