Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Slap Heard Around The Real World

The Real World Awards taught us many great things. Brooke from Denver is insane, Johnny and Svetlana from Key West are the best looking, Austin was the favorite cast, and Stephen from Seattle really is gay. Many may not really care much about the last one, however if you remember anything about Stephen you remember that he was the first member to ever hit someone, and it was over him swearing up and down that he was not gay. If you don't remember, I've found an uncensored clip to help you refresh your memory.

Irene, the slapee, was leaving the house because she was having complications with her Lyme Disease. As she exits, she jokes about not ever being able to marry Stephen because he's gay. Stephen gets incredibly offended because he claims he's “not gay” and runs out the house, opens her car door and slaps her. That was the end, until now.

Fast forward to nine and a half years later. Stephen shows up at the Real World Awards with a man. He announces they are engaged and will be married soon. Confused? So was everyone else. Don't get me wrong here, I support homosexual marriage and I believe that people who find love within their same sex should have the right to marry, but this situation just struck me as odd. Do people change? Yes, but this man was so adamant about not being gay that he went out of his way to chase someone down and slap them for calling him so. Perhaps he was just upset that she knew the truth, or perhaps like almost all cast members of the Real World, he's just a little bit crazy.

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