Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Can He Work It Out?

David Archuleta claims to have been “familiar” with his song choice for Wednesday night's American Idol performance. If you caught the performance though, you'd be surprised that he made any such comment.

Since the show has narrowed contestants to the top 12, each performance show has a theme. This week all the contestants were required to sing a song by either Paul McCartney or John Lennon. David Archuleta decided to go with “We Can Work It Out,” but strayed from the original Beatles version and went for the edgy sound of the cover done by Stevie Wonder. In his interview before his performance he states that he “loves” the song, however after the performance Archuleta claims that he wasn't “too sure” of the song. Hello, contradiction.

No one can argue that this performance was good, but anyone can argue that this kid probably has way too much pressure on him. He's only 17. Reports have been made about his father bringing him to tears the day before the performance in the recording studio because his singing was not perfect. While his friends from back home are studying for midterms and gearing up for spring break, he's crying in a recording studio. Ah, the price of fame. Even though I'm not remotely close to being a fan of David, I hope he can work something out before he bombs again, especially if his dad is that aggressive towards his stardom.

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